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Miér 7 Abr 2021 - 19:23 por bittor
Proyecto movido a GitHub:
Con muchos cambios y correcciones, Más información
También incluye el plugin epgfixer para corregir la EPG usando expresiones regulares y el plugin xmltv2vdr para descargar la EPG de internet
Con muchos cambios y correcciones, Más información
También incluye el plugin epgfixer para corregir la EPG usando expresiones regulares y el plugin xmltv2vdr para descargar la EPG de internet
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sory das ich in deutsch schreibe .
ich möchte einen neuen vdr und plugins für vdr-ng-em bauen .
was mir fehlt sind die diffs vom vdr
hat die jemant
mfg det
sory das ich in deutsch schreibe .
ich möchte einen neuen vdr und plugins für vdr-ng-em bauen .
was mir fehlt sind die diffs vom vdr
hat die jemant
mfg det
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
I'm new and I have 2 M740 AV get from a known.
as to my problem as I with MLD
employeesandsociety I wanted the fight to bring my recordings from vdr-7.1.36 play.
the process is not with vdr-1.4.7.
Firmware build I now understand and would like to vdr-1.7.31 build for the box which is what I miss about the bail has vdr and where can I get this?
can someone help me?
mfg det
I'm new and I have 2 M740 AV get from a known.
as to my problem as I with MLD
employeesandsociety I wanted the fight to bring my recordings from vdr-7.1.36 play.
the process is not with vdr-1.4.7.
Firmware build I now understand and would like to vdr-1.7.31 build for the box which is what I miss about the bail has vdr and where can I get this?
can someone help me?
mfg det
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
Actually our firmware don't play VDR 1.7.x recordings, but it is in roadmap for next version.
Re: vdr-1.7.31
I will even build my firmware but I need the diff of VDRS
and ????????
mfg det
I will even build my firmware but I need the diff of VDRS
and ????????
mfg det
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
I do not understand what you want to do or what you need.
Do you want a patch with our changes?
Do you want a patch with our changes?
Re: vdr-1.7.31
i want all patces from the vdr
mfg det
i want all patces from the vdr
mfg det
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
Here you have old patches used for initial version, but now it is deprecated.
If you want updated patch:
1) Download VDR 1.4.7 source code original.
2) Download trunk version updated with:
If you want updated patch:
1) Download VDR 1.4.7 source code original.
2) Download trunk version updated with:
- Código:
svn co vdr-m7x0-trunk
- Código:
diff -Naur -x .svn vdr-orig vdr-m7x0-trunk > changes-m7x0.patch
Re: vdr-1.7.31
sorry this way does not help me unfortunately
I do not understand is how in the dvb patch in the vdr
I will make a diff for vdr-7.1.31
mfg det
sorry this way does not help me unfortunately
I do not understand is how in the dvb patch in the vdr
I will make a diff for vdr-7.1.31
mfg det
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
(if [ ! -f /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ] ; then \
wget --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -O /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ; \
fi );
--2013-02-07 12:28:58--
=> »/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2«
Auflösen des Hostnamen » («...
Verbindungsaufbau zu (||:21... verbunden.
Anmelden als anonymous ... Angemeldet!
==> SYST ... fertig. ==> PWD ... fertig.
==> TYPE I ... fertig. ==> CWD (1) /vdr/Developer ... fertig.
==> SIZE vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ... 789706
==> PASV ... fertig. ==> RETR vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ... fertig.
Länge: 789706 (771K) (unmaßgeblich)
100%[==========================================================================================================================================================>] 789.706 2,93M/s in 0,3s
2013-02-07 12:28:59 (2,93 MB/s) - »/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2« gespeichert [789706]
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2
rm -rf /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31
bzcat /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 | tar -x -C /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build -f -
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_unpacked
for patch_file in `find /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/patches/vdr/1.7.31 -type f -iname '*.patch' | sort` ; do patch -p1 -E -d /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31 < $patch_file ; done
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_patched
make -C /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31 PATH="/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" CC="mips-linux-uclibc-gcc" CXX="mips-linux-uclibc-g++" AS="mips-linux-uclibc-as" AR="mips-linux-uclibc-ar" CPP="mips-linux-uclibc-cpp" RANLIB="mips-linux-uclibc-ranlib" LD="mips-linux-uclibc-ld" NM="mips-linux-uclibc-nm" STRIP="sstrip" CFLAGS="-march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" CXXFLAGS="-march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--sort-section,alignment -flto -fwhole-program -Wl,--gc-sections" all
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31'
In file included from audio.c:12:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from config.c:16:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from cutter.c:11:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from dvbdevice.c:10:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from eitscan.c:13:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
font.c:19:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from keys.c:11:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from menu.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menuitems.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from nit.c:13:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from osdbase.c:14:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from plugin.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from shutdown.c:22:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from skinlcars.c:28:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from skinsttng.c:17:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from svdrp.c:35:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from vdr.c:45:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
make[1]: *** Datei ».dependencies« wird gelöscht
mips-linux-uclibc-g++ -march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -c -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DREMOTE_KBD -DLIRC_DEVICE=\"/var/run/lirc/lircd\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DVIDEODIR=\"/video\" -DCONFDIR=\"\" -DCACHEDIR=\"\" -DRESDIR=\"\" -DPLUGINDIR=\"./PLUGINS/lib\" -DLOCDIR=\"./locale\" -I/usr/include/freetype2 audio.c
In file included from audio.c:12:0:
dvbdevice.h:14:31: fatal error: linux/dvb/version.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [audio.o] Fehler 1
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31'
make: *** [/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_compiled] Fehler 2
AFAIK there is an apiwrapper patch for those cases:…dvb-api-wrapper
wget --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -O /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ; \
fi );
--2013-02-07 12:28:58--
=> »/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2«
Auflösen des Hostnamen » («...
Verbindungsaufbau zu (||:21... verbunden.
Anmelden als anonymous ... Angemeldet!
==> SYST ... fertig. ==> PWD ... fertig.
==> TYPE I ... fertig. ==> CWD (1) /vdr/Developer ... fertig.
==> SIZE vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ... 789706
==> PASV ... fertig. ==> RETR vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 ... fertig.
Länge: 789706 (771K) (unmaßgeblich)
100%[==========================================================================================================================================================>] 789.706 2,93M/s in 0,3s
2013-02-07 12:28:59 (2,93 MB/s) - »/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2« gespeichert [789706]
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2
rm -rf /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31
bzcat /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/downloads/vdr-1.7.31.tar.bz2 | tar -x -C /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build -f -
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_unpacked
for patch_file in `find /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/patches/vdr/1.7.31 -type f -iname '*.patch' | sort` ; do patch -p1 -E -d /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31 < $patch_file ; done
touch /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_patched
make -C /mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31 PATH="/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" CC="mips-linux-uclibc-gcc" CXX="mips-linux-uclibc-g++" AS="mips-linux-uclibc-as" AR="mips-linux-uclibc-ar" CPP="mips-linux-uclibc-cpp" RANLIB="mips-linux-uclibc-ranlib" LD="mips-linux-uclibc-ld" NM="mips-linux-uclibc-nm" STRIP="sstrip" CFLAGS="-march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" CXXFLAGS="-march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--sort-section,alignment -flto -fwhole-program -Wl,--gc-sections" all
make[1]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31'
In file included from audio.c:12:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from config.c:16:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from cutter.c:11:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from dvbdevice.c:10:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from eitscan.c:13:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
font.c:19:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from keys.c:11:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from menu.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menuitems.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from nit.c:13:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from osdbase.c:14:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from plugin.h:14,
from plugin.c:10:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from shutdown.c:22:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from skinlcars.c:28:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from skinsttng.c:17:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from menuitems.h:14:0,
from menu.h:18,
from svdrp.c:35:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
In file included from vdr.c:45:0:
dvbdevice.h:18:2: error: #error VDR requires Linux DVB driver API version 5.3 or higher!
make[1]: *** Datei ».dependencies« wird gelöscht
mips-linux-uclibc-g++ -march=mips2 -mtune=vr4120 -mfix-vr4120 -Ofast -msoft-float -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -c -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DREMOTE_KBD -DLIRC_DEVICE=\"/var/run/lirc/lircd\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -DVIDEODIR=\"/video\" -DCONFDIR=\"\" -DCACHEDIR=\"\" -DRESDIR=\"\" -DPLUGINDIR=\"./PLUGINS/lib\" -DLOCDIR=\"./locale\" -I/usr/include/freetype2 audio.c
In file included from audio.c:12:0:
dvbdevice.h:14:31: fatal error: linux/dvb/version.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [audio.o] Fehler 1
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/build/vdr-1.7.31'
make: *** [/mld/Gigaset/vdr-740-em/m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_compiled] Fehler 2
AFAIK there is an apiwrapper patch for those cases:…dvb-api-wrapper
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
Do you want to compile VDR 1.7.31 for M740?
6 posts and I understand that now (it's very difficult all this).
M740 drivers aren't open source and they aren't using DVB API standard, so you have a hard work with this.
You must use files in m7x0_dvb directory for it, change includes in vdr files and calls because they are different.
6 posts and I understand that now (it's very difficult all this).
M740 drivers aren't open source and they aren't using DVB API standard, so you have a hard work with this.
You must use files in m7x0_dvb directory for it, change includes in vdr files and calls because they are different.
Re: vdr-1.7.31
yes i want to compile VDR 1.7.31 for M740
this site helps me
this site helps me
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
Forget it, that doesn't help.
You must be a very experienced coder with lots of free time to adapt last VDR to M740, but if you just want to play recordings of new VDR in M740 you must wait to our next version.
You must be a very experienced coder with lots of free time to adapt last VDR to M740, but if you just want to play recordings of new VDR in M740 you must wait to our next version.
Re: vdr-1.7.31
ok anscheinend wird hier davon ausgegangen das ich keine Ahnung habe .
det → Howto: LinVDR auf Activy mit em84xx-Unterstützung, er hat den Stein mit der Activy ins Rollen gebracht
meine erste Arbeit den em8400 MPEG Decoder und Tiva_overlay in Debian einzubauen obwohl Helau von gen2vdr gesagt hat das ist unmöglich .
det's Debian Etch v2b Version ISO-Installer-CD-Image, decembersouls Update dafür
dann Mitarbeit in EasyVDR
Bau einer eigenen Distribution
derzeit arbeite ich mit am Bau von
yavdr und MLD
Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten (12.04.1 Precise) (MLD-3.0.2)
also keine Ahnung was ich mache es ist schwer wen Mann keinerlei Dokumentationen findet was wurde wie und warum geändert .
mein vorhaben ist nicht unmöglich wird aber wegen mangelnder Informationen erschwert .das bei so einer Box alles mögliche verbogen werten muss ist mir klar .
ich bin kein Programmierer und kam mich deshalb manchmal nicht fachgerecht ausdrücken .
aber was ich will hat glaube ich jeder verstanden Infos wie wurde was gemacht und warum , damit ich es etwas leichter habe .
Firmware baue ich derzeit nach dieser Anleitung in 12.04.1 Precise
die ich modifiziert habe .
ich weis das ist nicht die von hier , dürfte aber bei den vdr patschen sich nicht wesentlich unterscheiden .
das wiki von hier ist besser Dokumentiert und für mich auch lesbar .
es wehre nicht schlecht wen mir jemand die kompletten Source Code der box orginal siemens zukommen lasen könnte
Diese Software enthält Code welcher unter GPL Lizenz steht. Der Source Code und die Lizenzbedingungen können unter folgender URL eingesehen werden:
mfg det
Rainerw can you translate that he speaks German VDR to XBMC
ok anscheinend wird hier davon ausgegangen das ich keine Ahnung habe .
det → Howto: LinVDR auf Activy mit em84xx-Unterstützung, er hat den Stein mit der Activy ins Rollen gebracht
meine erste Arbeit den em8400 MPEG Decoder und Tiva_overlay in Debian einzubauen obwohl Helau von gen2vdr gesagt hat das ist unmöglich .
det's Debian Etch v2b Version ISO-Installer-CD-Image, decembersouls Update dafür
dann Mitarbeit in EasyVDR
Bau einer eigenen Distribution
derzeit arbeite ich mit am Bau von
yavdr und MLD
Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten (12.04.1 Precise) (MLD-3.0.2)
also keine Ahnung was ich mache es ist schwer wen Mann keinerlei Dokumentationen findet was wurde wie und warum geändert .
mein vorhaben ist nicht unmöglich wird aber wegen mangelnder Informationen erschwert .das bei so einer Box alles mögliche verbogen werten muss ist mir klar .
ich bin kein Programmierer und kam mich deshalb manchmal nicht fachgerecht ausdrücken .
aber was ich will hat glaube ich jeder verstanden Infos wie wurde was gemacht und warum , damit ich es etwas leichter habe .
Firmware baue ich derzeit nach dieser Anleitung in 12.04.1 Precise
die ich modifiziert habe .
ich weis das ist nicht die von hier , dürfte aber bei den vdr patschen sich nicht wesentlich unterscheiden .
das wiki von hier ist besser Dokumentiert und für mich auch lesbar .
es wehre nicht schlecht wen mir jemand die kompletten Source Code der box orginal siemens zukommen lasen könnte
Diese Software enthält Code welcher unter GPL Lizenz steht. Der Source Code und die Lizenzbedingungen können unter folgender URL eingesehen werden:
mfg det
Rainerw can you translate that he speaks German VDR to XBMC
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
before anybody gets mad because of misinterpreting something I'll gonna step in as a translator :-) Just give me sometime to get everything translated.....
bevor hier jemand sauer wird weil er evtl. etwas nicht richtig verstanden hat steige ich mal als Übersetzer ein :-) Gebt mir nur etwas Zeit zum Übersetzen.
Regards/Bis dann.......
before anybody gets mad because of misinterpreting something I'll gonna step in as a translator :-) Just give me sometime to get everything translated.....
bevor hier jemand sauer wird weil er evtl. etwas nicht richtig verstanden hat steige ich mal als Übersetzer ein :-) Gebt mir nur etwas Zeit zum Übersetzen.
Regards/Bis dann.......
RainerW- Cantidad de envíos : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 31/01/2010
Edad : 68
Re: vdr-1.7.31
Feb 25 07:40:46 (none) usbautomounter[111]: usb auto mounter started in auto mode
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) usbautomounter[111]: ext2 partition '/dev/sda1' with 307200 inodes and 4883708 blocks of size 4096 found.
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) usbautomounter[111]: Device '/dev/sda1' is unclean needs checking
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3072 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test'
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3073 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Platte /dev/sda1 inkorrekt entfernt'
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': e2fsck 1.42.7 (21-Jan-2013)
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': vdr1 was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
Feb 25 07:40:49 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3074 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test (0%)'
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:55 (none) vdr: [68] info: Platte /dev/sda1 inkorrekt entfernt
Feb 25 07:41:03 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test (0%)
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Feb 25 07:41:15 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3075 - accepted
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test (90%)'
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test (90%)
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': vdr1: 11/307200 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 21181/4883708 blocks
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) daemon.warn usbautomounter[111]: Command /sbin/fsck.ext2 exits with status 1
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3076 - accepted
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Test erfolgreich'
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:41:22 (none) usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
Feb 25 07:41:23 (none) usbautomounter[111]: usb auto mounter finished
Feb 25 07:41:26 (none) vdr: [68] info: Test erfolgreich
wie kan mann das ändern
von usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
in usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/video1'
Feb 25 07:40:46 (none) usbautomounter[111]: usb auto mounter started in auto mode
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) usbautomounter[111]: ext2 partition '/dev/sda1' with 307200 inodes and 4883708 blocks of size 4096 found.
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) usbautomounter[111]: Device '/dev/sda1' is unclean needs checking
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3072 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test'
Feb 25 07:40:47 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3073 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Platte /dev/sda1 inkorrekt entfernt'
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': e2fsck 1.42.7 (21-Jan-2013)
Feb 25 07:40:48 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': vdr1 was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
Feb 25 07:40:49 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3074 - accepted
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test (0%)'
Feb 25 07:40:50 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:40:55 (none) vdr: [68] info: Platte /dev/sda1 inkorrekt entfernt
Feb 25 07:41:03 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test (0%)
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Feb 25 07:41:14 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Feb 25 07:41:15 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3075 - accepted
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Dateisystem Test (90%)'
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] info: Dateisystem Test (90%)
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:41:19 (none) usbautomounter[111]: output of '/sbin/fsck.ext2': vdr1: 11/307200 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 21181/4883708 blocks
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) daemon.warn usbautomounter[111]: Command /sbin/fsck.ext2 exits with status 1
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] connect from, port 3076 - accepted
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] SVDRP message: 'Test erfolgreich'
Feb 25 07:41:20 (none) vdr: [68] closing SVDRP connection
Feb 25 07:41:22 (none) usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
Feb 25 07:41:23 (none) usbautomounter[111]: usb auto mounter finished
Feb 25 07:41:26 (none) vdr: [68] info: Test erfolgreich
wie kan mann das ändern
von usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
in usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/video1'
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
how kan man change the usbautomounter
von usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
to usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/video1'
how kan man change the usbautomounter
von usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
to usbautomounter[111]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/video1'
det- Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 05/02/2013
Re: vdr-1.7.31
I think usbautomounter creates the folder '/var/media/vdr1' because the volume label of your usb device is 'vdr1'. Change your volume label to 'video1'
guybrush- Cantidad de envíos : 24
Fecha de inscripción : 24/01/2013
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