VDR para el Siemens Gigaset M740/M750
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M740AV to give away

2 participantes

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M740AV to give away Empty M740AV to give away

Mensaje por Shelli55 Dom 26 Jun 2016 - 21:27

due to upcoming change to DVBT2 in Germany I don't need my M740AV anymore.
As a long term user of the alternative firmware from this forum I like to spend my M740 to a member of this forum who has a need for it.
M740 is more then 10 years old but working well without any problems.
So if you have a use for it please send a PM to me.

Greetings Shelli


Cantidad de envíos : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 03/06/2012
Edad : 61
Localización : Munich, Germany

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M740AV to give away Empty Re: M740AV to give away

Mensaje por begontxu Miér 3 Ago 2016 - 10:44

Shelli55 escribió:Hello,
due to upcoming change to DVBT2 in Germany I don't need my M740AV anymore.
As a long term user of the alternative firmware from this forum I like to spend my M740 to a member of this forum who has a need for it.
M740 is more then 10 years old but working well without any problems.
So if you have a use for it please send a PM to me.

Greetings Shelli

Gracias a esta persona podré seguir trasteando, el mío últimamente empezó a hacer cosas raras con la salida scart, tenía una línea horizontal en pantalla que dificultaba la vision.


Cantidad de envíos : 111
Fecha de inscripción : 07/11/2008
Edad : 36

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M740AV to give away Empty Re: M740AV to give away

Mensaje por Shelli55 Miér 3 Ago 2016 - 18:57

M740 has a new owner found and is no longer available.


Cantidad de envíos : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 03/06/2012
Edad : 61
Localización : Munich, Germany

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M740AV to give away Empty Re: M740AV to give away

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