VDR para el Siemens Gigaset M740/M750
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Miér 7 Abr 2021 - 19:23 por bittor

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Translation Empty Translation

Mensaje por neo3000 Lun 2 Nov 2009 - 22:48

Sorry for writing this in english ...

I have yesterday found out that active development more or less moved from open7x0 to here and I would really like to contribute.
Your version contains a lot of improvements and I would really like to use it instead of gambler_unstable - but it is not yet really usable for me as German user.

As I said, I would really like to contribute - but could someone give me a hint on how to solve the following issues?

  • Setting OSD language to German makes to Configuration Menu unusable ("Problem in your MiniVDR configuration"). I would guess that texts are missing. It would be interesting to know where they are stored ..
  • German a Umlaut (ä) is always the REC symbol. I guess that is due some font patch for Spanish ... Are there enough characters to build a font with symbols, German and spanish special character?
  • LC_ALL is set to es_ES in /etc/vdr/runvdr. I have set to en_US and de_DE - but did not notice any difference ... what is it needed for?
Thanks in advance,


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2009

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por Posix Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 11:22

Here you have a good comment about translate:


If you need more help or have questions, ask us.

We are pleased to help you.

Cantidad de envíos : 691
Fecha de inscripción : 05/11/2008
Edad : 57
Localización : Madrid

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 12:20

neo3000 escribió:Setting OSD language to German makes to Configuration Menu unusable ("Problem in your MiniVDR configuration"). I would guess that texts are missing. It would be interesting to know where they are stored ..
For fix this error, copy config file from english (suffix for german is deu) with telnet:
cp /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/open7x0-setup_eng.xml /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/open7x0-setup_deu.xml
or with FTP.

neo3000 escribió:German a Umlaut (ä) is always the REC symbol. I guess that is due some font patch for Spanish ... Are there enough characters to build a font with symbols, German and spanish special character?
Yes, it's possible.
only is this character incorrect?

neo3000 escribió:LC_ALL is set to es_ES in /etc/vdr/runvdr. I have set to en_US and de_DE - but did not notice any difference ... what is it needed for?
Some spanish characters do not change the character case (for example in timer rename) if this variable is not set.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por neo3000 Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 20:49

Thanks a lot guys - things are a lot clearer now.

@bittor: Yes, "ä" is the only character that does not work.

I would volunteer to translate all the stuff (e.g. commands.conf) to english and german, but I guess there is no real multi-language concept for that available?

Greetings and thanks for the great work Translation 922160


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2009

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Miér 4 Nov 2009 - 13:36

*.conf files are not multi-language and we should think the best way to do it (some plugins also require configuration files without multi-language support), for example in VDR source, select language to compile, ...

You have a hard job translating new strings in VDR and plugins.
For it, you'd have to compile our firmware in Linux (identical packages requirements that open7x0.org) with:
svn checkout -q http://svn.assembla.com/svn/VDR-M7x0/unstable ./VDR-NG-EM
cd ./VDR-NG-EM

Are you acquainted with compiling and i18n files?

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por neo3000 Sáb 7 Nov 2009 - 10:24


Compiling and Linux are no problem. I have also played around with gettext some time ago.
I will try and see :-)

If you have any suggestions on how to do it, please let me know.

Greetings and thanks,


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2009

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Dom 8 Nov 2009 - 18:46

Then I understand that you know where are i18n files and if you have any questions ask us.
You can generate a patch with your translations or individual files (conf and xml files) and we'll add it to firmware.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por neo3000 Mar 29 Dic 2009 - 18:06


It took a bit longer than I thought, but I finished modifying the wareagle patches (130 and 140). My version moves the REC Symbol to character 240 instead of 228. This should preserve the german a umlaut (ä).
I also added the missing german translations to i18n.c

I tried to make a new build with "make-fw", but unfortunately open7x0.org svn seems to be out of service until February. How to build without it?
Also I am a bit worried that it takes a long time to do the build for those little changes. Do you have any suggestions on how to build just the new fonts and i18n.c ?

Thanks in advance for your help,



Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2009

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Miér 30 Dic 2009 - 10:16

To compile a new firmware without open7x0.org svn, download this file unpacking it in "VDR-NG-EM/VDR-NG-FW.orig":

Copy these files without unpacking in "VDR-NG-EM/VDR-NG-FW.orig/downloads":

Run "make-fw" and ignore errors or edit "make-fw" for that do not connect to o7o-svn.

Download these files unpacking with full path in "VDR-NG-FW":

In VDR-NG-FW dir, you have to edit .config and change:
# CONFIG_BOOTMENU is not set

Run "make" and when trying to connect to download VDR or plugins will fail and will not continue.
Note the name of file fails within stagefiles and create it manually as follows:
touch m7x0_xtc_uclibc_Linux-i686/stagefiles/.vdr_downloaded

Run "make" again and repeat the process as many times as necessary.

neo3000 escribió:Also I am a bit worried that it takes a long time to do the build for those little changes. Do you have any suggestions on how to build just the new fonts and i18n.c ?
OK, patches is not very fast but it's cleaner to see affected files by a change for improvements, detect bugs, delete it, ... and nobody has proposed or done a better process.

To make changes in VDR is easier to use "make-vdr" script.
In VDR-NG you will have a VDR patched and copy it to VDR-NG.orig.

Test that this binary works correctly copying it to your hard disk in M7x0 and editing "vdr_bin" in "/etc/rc.local.conf".
For example:

Make changes in VDR-NG and run "make-vdr" to compile and test new binary.

When you test that changes work well, run:
diff -Naur VDR-NG.orig VDR-NG > xxx-name.patch

So you have a new patch with your changes.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por neo3000 Miér 30 Dic 2009 - 13:24

With the helping files, the build process at least started ...
Thank you very much Bittor.

When I have a working version, how and to whom should I submit the patch?

Greetings and happy new year,


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2009

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Miér 30 Dic 2009 - 16:38

Yo can register in our assembla space and submit changes and patches to SVN.

Though the first time would be better than you upload patches to files zone and we check that all is correct.

We do not want to lose some spanish character Smile

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por Videre Jue 31 Dic 2009 - 14:13

Regarding LC_ALL, I was thinking in doing this change in runvdr for internationalization:
case `/usr/bin/awk -v FS='=' '/OSDLanguage/ { print $2 }' ${vdr_confd
ir}/setup.conf` in
    0 ) export LC_ALL=en_GB
    1 ) export LC_ALL=de_DE
    6 ) export LC_ALL=fr_FR
    10 ) export LC_ALL=es_ES
But I'm not sure if the exact value of LC_ALL makes any difference and I don't want to insert a new command in the startup phase if it isn't really needed.

Cantidad de envíos : 391
Fecha de inscripción : 27/09/2008

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Translation Empty Re: Translation

Mensaje por bittor Lun 4 Ene 2010 - 10:07

It will be more optimal if we can select language when generate the firmware and set changes for LC_ALL, language in webif.conf and setup.conf, ... because back-quoted commands are forked and this is very inefficient.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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