VDR para el Siemens Gigaset M740/M750
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Miér 7 Abr 2021 - 19:23 por bittor

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por joopa Miér 1 Sep 2010 - 21:38


i would intented to start every minute by crond, a script that tests the contents of timers.conf.
when a timer is going to be active an arbitary command (in my case ether-wake) is executed some minutes before to power on my files server.

Where do i place this script C, in the directories of svn, for compile it with vdr-ng ?

Usage: %s <min> <timers.conf> <command>
Thanks by advance for you help.


Cantidad de envíos : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 02/09/2009
Edad : 56
Localización : France

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por bittor Jue 2 Sep 2010 - 9:00


You can copy vdron.c to:

Edit Makefile in that dir adding "vdron" to "PRGS":
PRGS := genindex io-test vdron
and add this below of "io-test_LDADD :=" line:
vdron_OBJS := vdron.o
vdron_LDADD :=

Run in VDR-NG-FW dir:
make distclean-tool-box-extra

Now you have a firmware with vdron binary included in it.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por joopa Jue 2 Sep 2010 - 13:14

thank you very much bittor, thank you very much, I'd return soon Idea


Cantidad de envíos : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 02/09/2009
Edad : 56
Localización : France

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por joopa Vie 26 Nov 2010 - 7:49

i have compiled the firmware with vdron. ok->no error.
but i don't find the binary on the vdr.
normaly /sbin ?


Cantidad de envíos : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 02/09/2009
Edad : 56
Localización : France

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por bittor Vie 26 Nov 2010 - 11:24

If you want add it to firmware, you have that edit VDR-NG-FW/rootfs-file-lists/tool-box-extra.lst and add:
usr/bin/vdron  usr/bin/vdron  f 755 0 0 - - - - -
usr/bin/vdron  -              s  - - - - - - - -

The path for this program in firmware is /usr/bin/vdron.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

Mensaje por joopa Sáb 4 Dic 2010 - 19:30


I integrate it in the firmware at the next compilation, because with VDR-NG-FW/build/tool-box-extra/vdron , i've tested it and i'm very happy for the result.
-> if there is a scheduled record (between 0 and 3 minutes), the script power on my server, and after a timer (boot time), i mount the nfs share.

Now, i thought for the umount and stop the server when there isn't current record.
But i think, the hardest part is passed.

Many thanks for your help, i will explain it in the post inicio un servidor de archivos (WOL) antes del comienzo de una grabación

Beautiful day for the planet, and for me ! Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 02/09/2009
Edad : 56
Localización : France

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integrate a script C to vdr-ng Empty Re: integrate a script C to vdr-ng

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Contenido patrocinado

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