VDR para el Siemens Gigaset M740/M750
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Miér 7 Abr 2021 - 19:23 por bittor

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

9 participantes

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por jb Miér 4 Mar 2009 - 23:45

Quería abrir el hilo simplemente para comentar que cuando vi que bittor había añadido este plugin en el svn, lo primero que hice fue compilarlo para probarlo.

Es fantástico poder ver el nivel de potencia la señal de un canal y la calidad de la misma, con unos gráficos sencillos y con valores numéricos. Tenía ganas de disponer de esta pequeña gran utilidad, por que en los casos en los que la instalación de la antena no es muy buena, tenemos la oportunidad real de ver si estamos recibiendo correctamente la señal o no, y ahora ya disfrutamos de esa posibilidad desde el VDR.

Gracias bittor, gracias al resto de desarrolladores y gracias al grupo de betatesters y traductores que hacen posible que nuestro equipo, lejos de quedarse anticuado, sea un poco mejor cada día. Wink

Cantidad de envíos : 1193
Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2008
Edad : 54
Localización : Lérida y Zaragoza

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por pbr01 Jue 5 Mar 2009 - 2:46

Lo acabo de probar y está fenomenal el plugin, lo del automático mola 1 webo.
Se echaba en falta la medida de calidad de señal.
Lo que falta saber es qué mide en BER, porque en teoría con una señal excelente tiene que ser 0 pero creo que va al revés y en la medida cuanto más alto mejor. Tampoco dice si es CBER o VBER y ¿por qué lo referencia de 1 a 25?
y ¿que es el punto del medio de la barra?¿es la mitad o una referencia de calidad "mala . buena"?
Bueno, para casa vale, que no es un instrumento de medida profesional. Con ésto puede valer.

Cantidad de envíos : 489
Fecha de inscripción : 11/08/2008
Edad : 49
Localización : Valladolid


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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por axel2 Lun 4 Mayo 2009 - 9:11

Donde lo habeis conseguido?.No esta en los plugsde la pagina.

Yo he encontrado uno en la red pero era para pc y compilar en nucleo.


Cantidad de envíos : 392
Fecha de inscripción : 04/02/2009
Edad : 61
Localización : Castelldefels, Catalunya

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por jb Lun 4 Mayo 2009 - 9:35

Si haces la compilación de plugins es uno de los que se genera.

Cantidad de envíos : 1193
Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2008
Edad : 54
Localización : Lérida y Zaragoza

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gigatron Lun 4 Mayo 2009 - 11:35

Me parece que este plugin le da a VDR una función INEDITA en otros TDTs, ya que si lo pones en auto, está guardando la señal de cada canal, y puedes hacer una vuelta con cada posición de antena y luego ver gráficamente con qué posición se recibían mejor todas las señales, o el perfil de recepción de cada posición. Genial.

Cantidad de envíos : 412
Fecha de inscripción : 03/07/2008
Edad : 43


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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por xemex Lun 13 Jul 2009 - 6:46

Hola a todo.
Excelente trabajo.
Donde lo consigo y como lo instalo?


Cantidad de envíos : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 13/07/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por jb Lun 13 Jul 2009 - 9:23

Lo tienes indicado dos mensajes más arriba en mi mensaje anterior de este hilo.

Cantidad de envíos : 1193
Fecha de inscripción : 16/11/2008
Edad : 54
Localización : Lérida y Zaragoza

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por xemex Miér 15 Jul 2009 - 8:37

Gracias jb
He compilado el finware, pero nome genera el fichero de instalación.
Perdona pero soy nuevo en esto.


Cantidad de envíos : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 13/07/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por bittor Miér 15 Jul 2009 - 11:53

No es necesario compilar el firmware.

Ya está incluido en los plugins de la versión 0.5 para Windows

Pero si te lo quieres compilar tú tienes que ejecutar make-plugins y seleccionar firmware.
Después tendrás todos los plugins en VDR-NG/PLUGINS/lib

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gatopardo Lun 17 Ago 2009 - 10:08

Tengo la version VDR-NG-EM 0.5 Pro Rev 607 para LINUX
que yo mismo he compilado. ¿Como puedo instalar y ejecutar este plugin?


Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 24/02/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gatopardo Lun 24 Ago 2009 - 13:10

He conseguido incluir el plugin "dvbmon.so.1.4.5" de la siguiente manera:

1º Descomprimí el archivo Plugins_para_el_FW_VDR-NG-EM.rar en una carpeta.
2º Al descomprimir aparece una carpeta con el nombre Plugins_para_el_FW_VDR-NG-EM y dentro de ella cuatro carpetas: Config-dir, etc, README y Scripts+bin-m7x0

3º Abrí la carpeta etc y dentro hay otra carpeta que se llama Plugins-lib y dentro de ella los archivos correspondientes a los diferentes plugins.
4º Copie a un pendrive el archivo libvdr-dvbmon.so.1.4.5
5º Enchufe el pendrive al Gigaset estando este apagado, lo encendí y con el filebrouser busque el archivo en Media disco 0 y lo pegue con cat al directorio etc/pluguns-lib del gigaset.
6º Reinicié y funcionó.
Gracias y perdonad, no daba con ello


Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 24/02/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por asturtip Jue 2 Sep 2010 - 20:38

he intentado intalar este plugin y tengo algun problema.

Lo copio en la carpeta correspondiente y aparece en la lista de plugins para activar. Al reiniciar el Giga aparece un error. Lo intente con otro diferente (browse) y da el mismo error. ¿No es compatible este plugin con la ultima version?
este es el error.

Sep 2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-dvbmon.so.1.4.5
Sep 2 20:22:26 (none) user.err vdr: [108] ERROR: O7O Toolchain-Version mismatched

y el log.
Sep  2 20:19:21 (none) user.info vdr: [108] Power button pressed
Sep  2 20:19:21 (none) user.info vdr: [108] executing '/etc/vdr/shutdownvdr 1283522700 71139 1 "Novela~La 1" 1'
Sep  2 20:19:21 (none) user.info vdr: [108] saved setup to /etc/vdr/setup.conf
Sep  2 20:19:21 (none) daemon.info init: starting pid 242, tty '/dev/tty0': '/bin/ash /etc/rc.local.halt'
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: usb auto mounter started in umount mode
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: ext2 partition '/dev/sda1' with 1832960 inodes and 29304560 blocks of size 4096 found.
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: ext2 partition '/dev/sdb1' with 1832960 inodes and 29304560 blocks of size 4096 found.
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: Mount point for '/dev/sdb1' has changed from '/var/media/disk-volume-0' to '/var/media/vdr1'
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: unmounting '/dev/sdb1' on '/var/media/disk-volume-0'
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: unmounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[246]: usb auto mounter finished
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: aide
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: filebrowser
Sep  2 20:19:22 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: streamdev-server
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: blink
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: setup
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: conflictcheckonly
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: epgsearchonly
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: channelscan
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: channellists
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: skinenigmang
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [108] stopping plugin: epgsearch
Sep  2 20:19:23 (none) user.info vdr: [115] EPGSearch: Leaving search timer thread
Sep  2 20:19:24 (none) daemon.info lircd-0.6.4[54]: removed client
Sep  2 20:19:24 (none) user.info vdr: [108] saved setup to /etc/vdr/setup.conf
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: aide
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: filebrowser
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: streamdev-server
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: blink
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: setup
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: conflictcheckonly
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: epgsearchonly
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: channelscan
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: channellists
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: skinenigmang
Sep  2 20:19:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] deleting plugin: epgsearch
Sep  2 20:19:40 (none) user.info vdr: [108] timer 1 (1 1605-1900 'Novela~La 1') set to no event
Sep  2 20:19:41 (none) user.info vdr: [108] caught signal 15
Sep  2 20:19:41 (none) user.info vdr: [108] exiting, exit code 0
Sep  2 20:19:42 (none) local0.warn webif: [wrn][159:server.c:205:server_sigterm] SIGTERM
Sep  2 20:19:42 (none) daemon.notice lircd-0.6.4[54]: caught signal
Sep  2 20:19:42 (none) syslog.info syslogd exiting
Jan  1 01:00:13 (none) syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.16.2
Sep  2 20:22:22 (none) user.info pic_tool[52]: Boot count is 1
Sep  2 20:22:22 (none) daemon.notice lircd-0.6.4[54]: lircd(any) ready
Sep  2 20:22:22 (none) user.info pic_tool[52]: Found configuration at sector 0 with 3 files and 644 bytes
Sep  2 20:22:25 (none) user.debug syslog: [108] DEBUG: set IaMode -> 1
Sep  2 20:22:25 (none) user.info vdr: [108] VDR version 1.4.7 m7x0 version Preview 2010-08-22 21:17 (o7o version: Edición Mejorada Pro 0.6 BETA) started
Sep  2 20:22:25 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-epgsearch.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-skinenigmang.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-channellists.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-channelscan.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-epgsearchonly.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-conflictcheckonly.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-setup.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-blink.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-streamdev-server.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-filebrowser.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-dvbmon.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.err vdr: [108] ERROR: O7O Toolchain-Version mismatched
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-aide.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading plugin: /var/vdr/lib/libvdr-browse.so.1.4.5
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.err vdr: [108] ERROR: O7O Toolchain-Version mismatched
Sep  2 20:22:26 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/setup.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/sources.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/channels.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/timers.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/commands.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/svdrphosts.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/remote.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/keymacros.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.err vdr: [108] ERROR: unknown plugin 'osdteletext'
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.err vdr: [108] ERROR: empty key macro
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [110] EPG Reader thread started (pid=110, tid=110)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [110] reading EPG data from /etc/vdr/epg.data
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] new device number 1
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [111] tuner on device 1 thread started (pid=111, tid=111)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [112] section handler thread started (pid=112, tid=112)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] new device number 2
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] found 2 video devices
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: epgsearch (0.9.25.beta17): search the EPG for repeats and more
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: skinenigmang (0.0.5): EnigmaNG skin
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: channellists (0.0.4): Manage your channellists
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: channelscan (0.4.3): Search Transponders for DVB Channels
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: epgsearchonly (0.0.1): Direct access to epgsearch's search menu
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: conflictcheckonly (0.0.1): Direct access to epgsearch's conflict check menu
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: setup (0.1.3): VDR-NG Firmware Setup
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: cPluginSetup::Initialize => Init
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: blink (0.0.6): Control the LEDs of M7x0
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: streamdev-server (0.3.3-pre3-geni-m7x0): VDR Streaming Server
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: filebrowser (0.0.6b): Plugin to browse through files and execute actions on them
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] initializing plugin: aide (0.0.4): VDR Help
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] setting primary device to 1
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] assuming manual start of VDR
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] SVDRP listening on port 2001
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] skin "EnigmaNG" not available - using "classic" instead
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: epgsearch
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [113] tuner on device 2 thread started (pid=113, tid=113)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [114] section handler thread started (pid=114, tid=114)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearchuservars.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearchblacklists.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] EPGSearch: loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearch.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] EPGSearch: loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearchtemplates.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/timersdone.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] EPGSearch: loading /etc/vdr/plugins/epgsearch/epgsearchupdmail.templ
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [115] EPGSearch: searchtimer thread started (pid=115, tid=115)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: skinenigmang
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: channellists
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: channelscan
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: epgsearchonly
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: conflictcheckonly
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: setup
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: blink
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: streamdev-server
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/plugins/streamdevhosts.conf
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: filebrowser
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [116] blink thread started (pid=116, tid=116)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [116] blink: Switch LED off
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.debug vdr: [117] streamdev server thread started (pid=117, tid=117)
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [117] Streamdev: Listening (VTP) on port 2004
Sep  2 20:22:27 (none) user.info vdr: [117] Streamdev: Listening (HTTP) on port 3000
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.info vdr: [108] starting plugin: aide
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.info vdr: [108] setting current skin to "EnigmaNG"
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.info vdr: [108] loading /etc/vdr/themes/EnigmaNG-AppleGreen.theme
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) daemon.notice lircd-0.6.4[54]: accepted new client on /var/tmp/lircd
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.debug vdr: [124] LIRC remote control thread started (pid=124, tid=124)
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] remote control LIRC - keys known
Sep  2 20:22:29 (none) user.info vdr: [108] switching to channel 1
Sep  2 20:22:30 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 101 Type: 2
Sep  2 20:22:30 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 101 Type: 1
Sep  2 20:22:30 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 103 Type: 0
Sep  2 20:22:30 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 102 Type: 3
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] cDvbDevice: Set Digital Audio 0
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: set tv settings-> 1
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: set tv mode -> 0
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: set vcr mode -> 0
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: set 4/3
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: set mode -> letterbox
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [133] video directory scanner thread started (pid=133, tid=133)
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [133] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=133, tid=133)
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [134] video directory scanner thread started (pid=134, tid=134)
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [134] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=134, tid=134)
Sep  2 20:22:31 (none) user.debug vdr: [135] EnigmaNG effects thread started (pid=135, tid=135)
Sep  2 20:22:32 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[140]: usb auto mounter started in auto mode
Sep  2 20:22:32 (none) daemon.info udhcpc[144]: udhcpc (v1.16.2) started
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info udhcpc[144]: Sending discover...
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info udhcpc[144]: Sending select for
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info udhcpc[144]: Lease of obtained, lease time 268435455
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) user.info vdr: [115] EPGSearch: search timer update started
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) user.info vdr: [115] EPGSearch: search timer update finished
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) user.info vdr: [115] EPGSearch: check for timer conflicts
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[140]: ext2 partition '/dev/sda1' with 1832960 inodes and 29304560 blocks of size 4096 found.
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[140]: mounting '/dev/sda1' on '/var/media/vdr1'
Sep  2 20:22:33 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[140]: usb auto mounter finished
Sep  2 20:22:34 (none) user.info vdr: [115] EPGSearch: check for timer conflicts - done
Sep  2 20:22:36 (none) user.debug vdr: [135] EnigmaNG effects thread ended (pid=135, tid=135)
Sep  2 20:22:36 (none) local0.warn webif: [wrn][158:broker.c:107:broker_create] CGI support disabled, use --enable_cgi to enable it
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) user.debug vdr: [161] EnigmaNG effects thread started (pid=161, tid=161)
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[164]: usb auto mounter started in auto mode
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[164]: ext2 partition '/dev/sda1' with 1832960 inodes and 29304560 blocks of size 4096 found.
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[164]: ext2 partition '/dev/sdb1' with 1832960 inodes and 29304560 blocks of size 4096 found.
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.warn usbautomounter[164]: Found two devices with the same  mount point '/var/media/vdr1'
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[164]: mounting '/dev/sdb1' on '/var/media/disk-volume-0'
Sep  2 20:22:39 (none) daemon.info usbautomounter[164]: usb auto mounter finished
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.info vdr: [108] switching to channel 12
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Stopping PID: 103 Type: 0
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Stopping PID: 101 Type: 1
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Stopping PID: 101 Type: 2
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Stopping PID: 102 Type: 3
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 501 Type: 2
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 501 Type: 1
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 503 Type: 0
Sep  2 20:22:40 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] DEBUG: Demux Setting PID: 502 Type: 3
Sep  2 20:22:41 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] cDvbDevice: Set Digital Audio 0
Sep  2 20:22:42 (none) user.debug vdr: [110] EPG Reader thread ended (pid=110, tid=110)
Sep  2 20:22:42 (none) user.info vdr: [108] timer 1 (1 1605-1900 'Novela~La 1') set to event Vie 03.09.2010 17:09-18:05 'Mar De Amor'
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.debug vdr: [161] EnigmaNG effects thread ended (pid=161, tid=161)
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.info vdr: [108] VideoDirectory detected /var/vdr/video0/.update 1283451763
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.debug vdr: [165] video directory scanner thread started (pid=165, tid=165)
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.debug vdr: [166] video directory scanner thread started (pid=166, tid=166)
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.debug vdr: [167] EnigmaNG effects thread started (pid=167, tid=167)
Sep  2 20:22:43 (none) user.debug vdr: [165] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=165, tid=165)
Sep  2 20:22:44 (none) user.debug vdr: [166] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=166, tid=166)
Sep  2 20:22:59 (none) user.info vdr: [108] cPluginSetup => MainMenuAction
Sep  2 20:22:59 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: cSetupMenu.constr: Load config file /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/open7x0-setup_esl.xml
Sep  2 20:22:59 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Config.constructor
Sep  2 20:22:59 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Load file: [/etc/vdr/plugins/setup/open7x0-setup_esl.xml]
Sep  2 20:22:59 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: xml document created
Sep  2 20:23:00 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: CMD to get Plugin path: /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/local-plugins
Sep  2 20:23:00 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: We found plugin path: /usr/lib/vdr /etc/plugins-lib
Sep  2 20:23:00 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfigPre: /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/local-conf -r -f /tmp/tmp.conf -c /etc
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Load sysconf:[/tmp/tmp.conf]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--do_net_mount="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--do_net_mount="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--net="DHCP"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--net="DHCP"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--dhcp_flags="-S -R -b -s /etc/dhcp.script"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--dhcp_flags="-S -R -b -s /etc/dhcp.script"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--if="eth0"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--if="eth0"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--ip=""
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--ip=""
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--runvdr_vars="vdr_bin vdr_confdir vdr_videodirs vdr_plugindirs vdr_pluginopts vdr_shutdown vdr_epgfile vdr_epgdirect vdr_stumode vdr_options"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--runvdr_vars="vdr_bin vdr_confdir vdr_videodirs vdr_plugindirs vdr_pluginopts vdr_shutdown vdr_epgfile vdr_epgdirect vdr_stumode vdr_options"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--bind_paths="/root"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--bind_paths="/root"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--inetd="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--inetd="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--webif_start="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--webif_start="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--fw_update_file="/var/tmp/new-fw.ofi"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--fw_update_file="/var/tmp/new-fw.ofi"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_start="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_start="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_default="0"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_default="0"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_config="/etc/bootmenu/bootmenu.conf"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--bootmenu_config="/etc/bootmenu/bootmenu.conf"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--osddebug="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--osddebug="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--rescue_keys="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--rescue_keys="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--memwatch="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--memwatch="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--memwatch_interval="60"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--memwatch_interval="60"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--memwatch_dir="/var/media/disk-volume-0/memwatch"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--memwatch_dir="/var/media/disk-volume-0/memwatch"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_time="300"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_time="300"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_dev="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_dev="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_shutdown="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_shutdown="YES"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.local.conf--hd_swap="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.local.conf--hd_swap="NO"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.conf--lircd_flags="--device=/dev/lirc"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.conf--lircd_flags="--device=/dev/lirc"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.conf--syslogd_flags=""
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.conf--syslogd_flags=""
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:rc.conf--pic_tool_flags="-s time pictosys reset-boot check-flash led middle off led outer off"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:rc.conf--pic_tool_flags="-s time pictosys reset-boot check-flash led middle off led outer off"
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add line:resolv.conf--nameserver1=
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: sysconfig add variable:resolv.conf--nameserver1=""
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Protected plugins [setup]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SysPlugin [rc.local.conf--vdr_pluginopts]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.info vdr: [108] setup: Loaded plugins: [-Pepgsearch  -Pskinenigmang  -Pchannellists  -Pchannelscan  -Pepgsearchonly  -Pconflictcheckonly  -Psetup  -Pblink  -Pstreamdev-server  -Pfilebrowser  -Pdvbmon  -Paide  -Pbrowse]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [epgsearch] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [epgsearch] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [epgsearch] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [skinenigmang] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [skinenigmang] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [skinenigmang] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [channellists] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [channellists] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [channellists] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [channelscan] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [channelscan] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [channelscan] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [epgsearchonly] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [epgsearchonly] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [epgsearchonly] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [conflictcheckonly] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [conflictcheckonly] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [conflictcheckonly] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [setup] [setup] [1]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [setup] [1]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [setup] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[1]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [blink] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [blink] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [blink] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [streamdev-server] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [streamdev-server] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [streamdev-server] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [filebrowser] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [filebrowser] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [filebrowser] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [dvbmon] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [dvbmon] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [dvbmon] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [aide] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [aide] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [aide] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Check protected [browse] [setup] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [browse] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [browse] act [1] inSystem [0] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--do_net_mount found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_startup_time found, xml:300, sys:300
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--rescue_keys found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_options found, xml:-l 2, sys:-l 3
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_confdir found, xml:/etc/vdr, sys:/etc/vdr
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_videodirs found, xml:/media/disk-volume-0 /media/vdr1, sys:/media/disk-volume-0 /media/vdr1
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_plugindirs found, xml:/usr/lib/vdr /etc/plugins-lib, sys:/usr/lib/vdr /etc/plugins-lib
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_epgfile found, xml:/etc/vdr/epg.data, sys:/etc/vdr/epg.data
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--vdr_epgdirect found, xml:YES, sys:YES
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--net found, xml:DHCP, sys:DHCP
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--ip found, xml:, sys:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--netmask found, xml:, sys:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--gateway found, xml:, sys:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable resolv.conf--nameserver1 found, xml:, sys:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable resolv.conf--nameserver2 not found, xml:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--mac found, xml:00:01:02:03:04:05, sys:00:01:02:03:04:05
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_dev found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_time found, xml:300, sys:300
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--hd_spindown_shutdown found, xml:YES, sys:YES
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--hd_swap found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--inetd found, xml:YES, sys:YES
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--webif_start found, xml:YES, sys:YES
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--netdate found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--netdate_server found, xml:europe.pool.ntp.org, sys:europe.pool.ntp.org
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--bootmenu_start found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--bootmenu_default found, xml:0, sys:0
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.conf--syslogd_flags found, xml:, sys:
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--osddebug found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--memwatch found, xml:NO, sys:NO
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--memwatch_interval found, xml:60, sys:60
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable rc.local.conf--memwatch_dir found, xml:/var/media/disk-volume-0/memwatch, sys:/var/media/disk-volume-0/memwatch
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Variable CHILDLOCK not found, xml:0000
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: config:ReadVdrLib /usr/lib/vdr
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[^D.]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[^D..]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[aide.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [aide]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[blink.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [blink]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[channellists.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [channellists]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[channelscan.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [channelscan]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[cinebars.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [cinebars] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [cinebars] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[conflictcheckonly.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [conflictcheckonly]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[cridplayer.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [cridplayer] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [cridplayer] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[epgsearch.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [epgsearch]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[epgsearchonly.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [epgsearchonly]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[fepg.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [fepg] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [fepg] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[filebrowser.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [filebrowser]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[osdadjust.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [osdadjust] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [osdadjust] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[osdteletext.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [osdteletext] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [osdteletext] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[pilotskin.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [pilotskin] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [pilotskin] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[rssreader.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [rssreader] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [rssreader] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[scheduler.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [scheduler] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [scheduler] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[setup.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [setup]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[skinenigmang.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [skinenigmang]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[streamdev-server.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [streamdev-server]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[undelete.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: SetProtect [undelete] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: AddPlugin: [undelete] act [0] inSystem [1] Protect[0]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: config:ReadVdrLib /etc/plugins-lib
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[^D.]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[^D..]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[dvbmon.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [dvbmon]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: Plugin en directorio[browse.so.1.4.5]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: In System plugin [browse]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.info vdr: [108] setup: Loaded config file: [/etc/vdr/plugins/setup/open7x0-setup_esl.xml]
Sep  2 20:23:01 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: cSetupMenu.constr: Open config page
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> epgsearch
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [epgsearch] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> skinenigmang
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [skinenigmang] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> channellists
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [channellists] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> channelscan
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [channelscan] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> epgsearchonly
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [epgsearchonly] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> conflictcheckonly
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [conflictcheckonly] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> setup
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [setup] [1]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> blink
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [blink] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> streamdev-server
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [streamdev-server] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> filebrowser
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [filebrowser] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> dvbmon
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [dvbmon] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> aide
Sep  2 20:23:03 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [aide] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> browse
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [browse] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> cinebars
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [cinebars] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> cridplayer
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [cridplayer] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> fepg
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [fepg] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> osdadjust
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [osdadjust] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> osdteletext
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [osdteletext] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> pilotskin
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [pilotskin] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> rssreader
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [rssreader] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> scheduler
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [scheduler] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: ===> undelete
Sep  2 20:23:04 (none) user.debug vdr: [108] setup: GetProtect [undelete] [0]
Sep  2 20:23:15 (none) user.debug vdr: [167] EnigmaNG effects thread ended (pid=167, tid=167)


Cantidad de envíos : 59
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por bittor Vie 3 Sep 2010 - 8:58

Eso es porque tienes un firmware instalado del SVN y estás intentando usar un plugin de la versión 0.5 ¿a que sí?

SIEMPRE hay que usar el firm y plugins compilados con el mismo ToolChain, los que hay para descargar son la versión 0.5 y sólo sirven si tienes instalado ese firmware, en el momento que te compilas el firm tienes que compilar los plugins.

Tienes que compilarte los plugins con el script make-plugins y luego los tendrás en VDR-NG/PLUGINS/lib.

Cantidad de envíos : 3662
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008
Localización : Zaragoza


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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por asturtip Vie 3 Sep 2010 - 16:47

Pues si, estaba usando los de la version 0.5. Ya los he compilado.



Cantidad de envíos : 59
Fecha de inscripción : 25/06/2008

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por eltinoco Lun 13 Jul 2015 - 14:09

Lo estoy buscando y en la version 0.7 no está, supuse que estaría incluido, dada la antiguedad del hilo :-), en fin supongo que sigue siendo un plugin externo, :-(.

Donde lo puedo conseguir, hago busquedas con dvbmon en el foro y no aparece nada, bueno, este hilo.

Alguien me dice donde puedo conseguirlo?
... y ya puestos si hace falta compilarlo o tan solo ponerlo en la carpeta "tal" para poder activarlo?



Cantidad de envíos : 78
Fecha de inscripción : 19/06/2012

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por eltinoco Lun 13 Jul 2015 - 14:20

acabo de encontrar esto: libvdr-dvbmon.so.1.4.5

Está en el archivo: VDR-NG-EM-0.7-Firmware-Plugins.rar

sirve de algo?. voy a copiarlo al giga a ver que pasa :-)


Cantidad de envíos : 78
Fecha de inscripción : 19/06/2012

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por eltinoco Lun 13 Jul 2015 - 14:25

vale he visto que bittor ya me dijo como se hacia en otro hilo :-)
descomprimir el archivo y copiar el plugin a /etc/plugins-lib, reinicias, lo activas y vuelves a reiniciar para poder verlo en el menú.


Cantidad de envíos : 78
Fecha de inscripción : 19/06/2012

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por eltinoco Lun 13 Jul 2015 - 23:07

genial, lo he hecho tal y como me dijo bittor y ok. Buen plugin para orientarse en esto de las antenas :-)


Cantidad de envíos : 78
Fecha de inscripción : 19/06/2012

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gatopardo Lun 20 Jul 2015 - 23:22

No recuerdo como se copia con filebrowser


Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 24/02/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gatopardo Lun 20 Jul 2015 - 23:24

Me puede algien ayudar? algo se hacia con cat pero no me acuerdo.


Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 24/02/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por eltinoco Mar 21 Jul 2015 - 11:14

Prueba por ftp, para mi es más cómodo


Cantidad de envíos : 78
Fecha de inscripción : 19/06/2012

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

Mensaje por gatopardo Jue 23 Jul 2015 - 12:26

No puedo hacerlo con ftp, no me funciona el puerto ethernet. Tengo que hacerlo con Filebrowser y no me acuerdo,


Cantidad de envíos : 73
Fecha de inscripción : 24/02/2009

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Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1" Empty Re: Plugin Calidad de Señal. "dvbmon 0.0.1"

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Contenido patrocinado

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